Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony found Not Guilty.!?

"A Florida jury has acquitted Casey Anthony of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee.

Anthony, 25, showed no reaction when the jury's verdict was read Tuesday after more than 10 hours of deliberations. But she began to cry shortly after and hugged her attorney. She could have received a death sentence if she had been convicted of first-degree murder." 

I, along with over half of America, was shocked to learn that Casey Anthony was found NOT GUILTY on 1st degree murder, manslaughter, & child abuse. I find this to be so unjust. I cannot fathom the fact that she has been found not guilty. Especially the reason being that they do not have enough evidence. Isn't the fact that she waited 31 days to even admit to anyone that her baby was missing enough evidence! Or should we take into consideration that also during those 31 days she partied hard, got tattoos, rented movies, etc. and lived her day to day life as if nothing was even wrong or out of the ordinary? That right there is enough evidence for me! Something is not right.

May God bless Caylee Anthony's soul.

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